is bound to Venus and Earth. Venus is the planet of love, and earth signifies
home and hearth.
As an herb that stays close to the soil, spreading and running deep
roots in its territory, Oxalis is a moderately powerful magical herb that
can be used in rituals and spells for home, hearth, family, and wellness.
Put a glass of water by the bedside with leaves and flowers for speedier
recovery for yourself or ill family members. The leaves and flowers close
at night, promoting restful sleep. Place a few flowers at the foot of baby's
bed for comfort and relief from colic or discomfort, and restful sleep.
Add tasty lemony leaves to meals for family members to promote togetherness
and love. Dry leaves and ground to powder for sprinkling around the house
for affection and family togetherness. Add to similar herbs for more powerful
effect in any spell or ritual.