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FIX-UP #1 - CLEAN IT UP! And I mean, really clean it up. Look at your house and yard. Unless you have the mow and blow guys in there every week, and a maid that does windows, I bet there's something you can do out there. Rake and dethatch the lawn, sweep the walks and driveway, clean the siding, wash the windows, fix or replace torn screens, trim the hedges, sweep the roof, clean the gutters, mulch the flower beds, throw away junk.....all this requires labor, but very little cash, and who couldn't do with more exercise? If the house needs painting and you can't afford it right now, paint the trim only - even that will make a big difference. FIX-UP #2 - INVEST IN SOME DETAILING: Here you will have to do some spending, but nothing extraordinary. Get a hose reel if you don't already have one so that the water hose is not always tangled up in a heap in the yard. Replace that ragged water spigot with a nice, new shiny one. Buy or make a unique address marker to hang on the house. Put inexpensive hose guides in strategic places so you won't squash your new landscape with the hose when watering. Replace the mailbox if it is worn or crooked or outdated. Details, details, details - every little thing you do to make the outdoors convenient and attractive will enhance the value of your house, and people will notice! FIX-UP #3 - THE FRONT DOOR: The front door is the focal point for the entire front part of the house, and as such it gets it's own space in the top 5. Take a good look at your front door. If it needs paint, absolutely paint it. Install a peephole if you don't already have one. Thoroughly clean any glass on or around the door. Clean the stoop or porch or whatever your entry way is completely and do any repairs, cleaning, painting or caulking needed. Add a doorbell or attractive door knocker if you don't already have that, or find yourself an attractive season-appropriate wreath to hang on the door. Polish or replace the door hardware if it looks worn or dirty. Buy a new door mat in an attractive style. The object is to make that door the most attractive and delightful door that it can be! Don't forget the immediate area just outside the door, either. Put a couple of attractive inexpensive pots with bright flowers in them just outside the front door, and keep them watered and in good condition to make the entryway look attractive and well-kept. If the door configuration doesn't allow that, maybe a hanging fern somewhere nearby. Tall wrought iron hanging plant holders are available at any home improvement center that can be very attractive when hung with beautiful plant specimens for those with limited space or small stoops.
FIX-UP #5 - THE PLANTS: You now have a blank canvas with the skeleton in place. Choosing and placing the plants is the fun part, but beware, there are pitfalls to consider. Specific plants and their growing requirements are spread out all over this site, so for the purposes of this page we will just do general guidelines here. Keep in mind that the main function of your front yard landscape should be to frame the house and to guide people to the door in a pleasing way. It's that simple. You can choose formal or informal as described above, or you can go with a natural or wildlife landscape, but be aware that these are not always the most well-kept looking gardens around unless done really well. With a big yard, English style gardens are wonderful, and if you are a real yard lover with a house with a Japanese bent, a Japanese Garden would be a nice choice for you. Choose shrubs and flowers with varying textures and colors, but don't go crazy with it. Dark colors like blue and purple make a small space look larger, and bright colors like yellow and red make the space look closer. Use uniform borders for beds bordering the house and for any island plantings in only a few choice colors, and repeat those colors wherever appropriate throughout the yard. Don't do your plant shopping at the nursery, but rather do your homework first and go to the nursery informed and looking for specific plants. Don't forget perennials and bulbs in your plan, as many are low-maintenance and provide excellent color and form year after year. Similarly, climbers are almost a must for smaller spaces to provide vertical interest and screening for unsightly areas. Also consider the winter scene when choosing plants for the landscape. You may have a beautiful Hosta garden with Hydrangeas and Impatiens in the spring and summer, but when winter comes, there won't be a single stick of winter interest in that bed. Also consider one fabulous focal point such as a great birdbath or an ornamental tree with interesting bark or winter form to set your yard apart from the rest. So that's it folks - Good Luck, and do visit the individual plant profiles already provided all over this site. There's more to come, so do bookmark and come back soon!
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